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  • Writer's pictureAlan Smith

The Quarterly Return Q3 2019

Bridging Vat are pleased to publish Q3 of our trading report, "The Quarterly Return".The report provides a financial overview, industry news and insights into the quarter ahead.

Through the course of the last 3 months, we have seen an increasing number of properties be subject to a down valuation from the agreed sale price with final figures coming in lower than expected between 5% and 20% as senior debt providers seek comfort in an uncertain marketplace.

These situations result in pressure on our clients having to use more of their own capital to complete the deal, making the use of our VAT bridging facility even more important. Rather than tie their own capital up with HMRC, our clients are able to retain their liquidity, even if more equity is required to complete on their project.

You can view the report by clicking here.

Bridging Vat are a specialist lender advancing short terms loans for the VAT due on commercial property purchases.

If you are purchasing a commercial development and would like further information on how Bridging Vat can help, please contact us on email at or by telephone on 01206 645 050.


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